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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples



Hockey Australia’s Reflect Reconcilation Action Plan

This RAP will help guide our relationships with First Nations people, promote their culture, develop and implement appropriate opportunities and define governance to ensure we achieve our reconciliation commitment and use our influence to advocate for social change. 

Hockey Australia Reflect RAP

Community Connection by artist: Jodie Herden - Gomeroi woman

This artwork represents the deep-rooted connection Hockey Australia has with its players, teams, staff, families and communities across Australia. The central Gathering circle represents Hockey Australia, branching out to community and grass roots levels that connect and intertwine for the love of the game, building strong foundations for all who play and are passionate about the sport. Hockey Australia is built on the values of Leadership, Integrity, Excellence, Inclusion and Community, this is shown through the use of our star stories and Songlines in this artwork. We live under the Warrambul (The Milky Way), we are guided and play under the Southern Cross, connecting us from one side of the country to the other, as does the sport of Hockey.


The Hockeyroos and Kookaburras proudly wear a First Nations uniform as an alternative playing strip.

The artwork was created by: Kevin Bynder, Whadjuk – Yuet – Balaadong Nyungar & Widi Badimia – Amangu Yamatji and Nova Peris, Gaagudju Peoples of Bunitj clan of West Arnhemland & Yawuru and Gidja Peoples of West and East Kimberleys


The artwork depicts the female Australian hockey team, the Hockeyroos with the top circle on the left. The circle on the right represents male Australian hockey team the Kookaburras. The symbols around the circles represent the females and males with the straight lines between being hockey sticks.

The smaller circles below symbolise the clubs and junior players, with the pathway artwork, depicted by song lines, show the journey from grassroots to the Australian teams. The pathway connection at the bottom shows the final journey into Hockey Australia, with Nova Peris contributing the artwork of the kookaburra in the centre for the Kookaburras shirt and the kanagroo with a joey in the centre of the Hockeyroos shirt.

The hills at the bottom are the Darling Ranges, located east of Perth, Western Australia. The Darling Range in Whadjuk Boodja is known to be the Waagyl (Rainbow Serpent) which is said to be the creator of Perth and lays dormant watching silently over the Whadjuk people.


Aspire Cairns Community 

Aspire is a registered charity designed to support disadvantaged youth to participate, in particular, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls. Through the signing of an MOU with Aspire Carins Community, Hockey Australia will investigate opportunities for mutual collaboration. 



New Indigenous design for Australian Indoor, Masters and Country

Hockey Australia releases 'Reflect' Reconciliation Action Plan

AOC Indigenous Coaching Scholarship