On this page are the contact details for the HockeyEd Coordinator at each state and territory hockey association. If you wish to find out about coaching or umpiring accreditations in your area or just want to know more about the qualifications and the process involved, you should contact your relevant state or territory HockeyEd Coordinator.

Hockey ACT

Lisa Fitzgerald (Program Admin Coordinator)
Stirling Sharp (Umpiring)

196 Mouat Street
Lyneham ACT 2602

P: (02) 6189 0570
E: admin@hockeyact.org.au

E: stirling.sharpe@hockeyact.org.au

Hockey QLD

Margaret Dilger
Kerry Liebenberg

PO Box 246
Morningside QLD 4171

P: (07) 3399 6577
E: mdilger@hockeyqld.com.au
E: kliebenberg@hockeyqld.com.a

Hockey NT

Jason Butcher

PO Box 41449
Darwin NT 0811

P: (08) 8945 0302
E: Jason.Butcher@hockeynt.asn.au

Hockey NSW

Sharni Barton

PO Box 440
Sydney Markets NSW 2129

P: (02) 9764 1911
E: hockey@hockeynsw.com.au

Hockey SA

Steven Broberg

PO Box 56
Enfield Plaza SA 5085

P: (08) 8349 4044, ext 4
E: steven.broberg@hockeysa.com.au

Hockey TAS

Joshua Mardell

PO Box 96
New Town TAS 7008

P: (03) 6278 2656
E: joshua.mardell@hockeytasmania.com.au

Hockey VIC

Brad Vanderwert

PO Box 32
Parkville VIC 3052

P: (03) 9448 2100
E: gameeducation@hockeyvictoria.org.au

Hockey WA

Angela Edwards (Officiating)
Tristam Woodhouse (Coaching)

PO Box 1090
Bentley MDC WA 6983

P: (08) 9351 4300
E: angela.edwards@hockeywa.org.au 
E: tristram.woodhouse@hockeywa.org.au